The (wine) preservative of the future!

– Clifton Fadiman –
What’s so good about an all-natural preservative? And why we need that all-natural plant-based preservative? Before talking about that, so let’s talk about chemical preservatives and how they can be dangerous for us.
There are 4 kinds of chemicals that food corporations usually use to preserve foods. Those chemicals are sodium nitrate, nitrite, sulfite, and sodium benzoate. Each of them used to preserve different kind of food.
Sodium nitrate and nitrite are used to preserve meat products, including patties, sausages, and nuggets. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency stated that consumption of the chemicals might result in cancers, tumors, muscle weakness, and abdominal pain.
Sulfites can be found in wine, dried fruit, shrimp, and processed potato products. Although the chemical compound is “Generally Recognized as Safe” according to U.S. Food and Drug Administration, but consumption in excessive amount is linked with diarrhea, asthmatic breathing, and hypotension. This chemical compound is especially dangerous for those who are allergic to it.
While sodium benzoate or benzoic acid is the one used to prevent bacterial growth in food products. When combined with vitamin C, it can lead to cancer including leukemia. While without any combination with other chemicals, sodium benzoate itself can cause damage to heart, liver, kidneys, and brain after heavy consumption.
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Estaan® is the first and ultimate plant based sulphite replacement for wine. Experience it yourself.